Mistakes You Should Avoid When Using Stainless Steel Fasteners

Mistakes You Should Avoid When Using Stainless Steel Fasteners

The use of stainless steel fasteners is quite popular because of their excellent corrosion-resistant and recyclable properties. They offer resistance against any level of usage severity and have great load-bearing characteristics in both hot and cold weather. However, if these fasteners are not handled properly; it may bring damage to the entire setup. Here are few mistakes you certainly cannot afford to make when using stainless steel fasteners.

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How You Can Save Money On Aircraft Nuts And Bolts

How You Can Save Money On Aircraft Nuts And Bolts

There are various kinds of fasteners available for application in numerous industries and they differ in dimension, durability, robustness, pull-out strength, shear-capacity, corrosion-resistance and many other factors that go into manufacturing a certain type of fastener for particular equipment. Speaking of which, the aviation industry utilizes parts that meet the safety standards recommended by the relevant body, and in order to fit those parts firmly to tolerate a huge amount of stress, the fasteners such as aircraft nuts and bolts play the vital role.

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Good Habits That Will Make Stainless Steel Fasteners Last Longer

Good Habits That Will Make Stainless Steel Fasteners Last Longer

Stainless steel fasteners may be an economically apt option that offer outstanding anti-corrosion properties, but that doesn’t mean they are not going to corrode or cost you anything extra in the long run. Improper habits employed by casual operators can sometimes break down a properly-maintained framework. You need to educate the employees with good habits that preserve long-lasting characteristics of the stainless steel fasteners.

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Fastener Recycling Options You Can Explore

Fastener Recycling Options You Can Explore

An astonishing amount of metallic waste is created by the industries in the form of fasteners. The household wastes also do not help the cause. It’s our prime responsibility to exert a positive impact on the environment by reusing and recycling anything that poses threat, let alone be the fasteners. Landfill disposal is not the ideal solution for toxic materials, and there’s a need to have proper fastener recycling practices in action; some of which are listed below.

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Avoid Overdriving Your Fasteners To Maintain Shear Capacity

Avoid Overdriving Your Fasteners To Maintain Shear Capacity

The technology behind driving the fasteners into their slots has drastically improved right from the age of screw drivers to cordless drills. In today’s modern era, automatic machines have made it easier to carry out fastening operations without dealing with much disorientation. However, driving the screws into their holes with millimeter precision requires practice and skill of the operator. Overdriving the fasteners can reduce the pull-out strength and shear capacity by 5-22%, depending upon the extent to which the nail is overdriven.

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What is Galvanic Corrosion?

What is Galvanic Corrosion?

The scientific definition of galvanic corrosion describes it as an electrochemical process in which two different metals or alloys come in electrical contact with each other in the presence of an electrolyte under the conditions of a corrosive environment, which leads to relative corrosion of both the materials in contact.

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The Use Of Anti-Seize Technology When Using Screws

The Use Of Anti-Seize Technology When Using Screws

The correct use and longevity of any fastener often depends on many factors. One of the most important of these is the quality of the anti-seize technology used in putting them in place. It is common to find that most people don’t even know that anti seize compounds are needed during fastening, but you will definitely need it when putting in place aluminum socket screws or Inconel socket head cap screws in place if you want to have an easy time with them.

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Most Commonly Used Nut Styles

Most Commonly Used Nut Styles

When you need to use fasteners such as Inconel hex nuts and nitronic 50 flat washers, the last thing you should get wrong is the type of fastener you end up getting. Many people end up making a mistake when it comes to this simply because they do not correlate the products they are buying […]

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The Advantages Of Plating Fasteners

The Advantages Of Plating Fasteners

When ordering fasteners, it is important to get all the details right. When you consult a high quality vendor, you will find that they will not simply sell the screws or bolts you need without asking any questions. Most of them will want more detail rather than the basics such as the size of the […]

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How To Choose Between Fully And Partially Threaded Bolts

How To Choose Between Fully And Partially Threaded Bolts

At some point in time when you are thinking of using fasteners such as aluminum  hex head cap screws or steel hex nuts and bolts, you will be confronted with the decision on which type you should pick. Typically, most people end up finding this a difficult thing to do particularly if they have not […]

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Fastener Corrosion: Why It's Not All About Rusting

Fastener Corrosion: Why It's Not All About Rusting

When you are planning on buying or using fasteners, one of the concerns you might have is corrosion. When your fasteners end up being corroded, they often become difficult to remove, and may even damage the item that you had been fastening in the first place. This means that before you even order them, it […]

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The Most Common Fastener Coatings

The Most Common Fastener Coatings

In order to get the most out of any fasteners, it is usually necessary to make sure that every aspect of the fastener is suited to the application you are going to use it for. For instance, if you are going to use stainless steel hex head cap screws for bridge construction, it would be […]

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How To Install Paintings On Walls

How To Install Paintings On Walls

When you decide to move house, one of the challenges you may face is how to fasten paintings on walls. This also happens to be the case if you opt to spruce up your home using paintings or other similar art items. There are many things that you need to keep in mind when doing […]

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The Environmental Challenges Of Using Stainless Steel Fasteners

The Environmental Challenges Of Using Stainless Steel Fasteners

When most people go out to buy fasteners, they usually get stainless steel hex head cap screws, stainless steel hex nuts and many other fasteners made out of this metal. One of the issues that most people have to contend with is the environmental impact of using stainless steel fasteners. This is mainly due to the […]

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Safety Features Of A Flyover Bridge

Safety Features Of A Flyover Bridge

Having a flyover bridge has many benefits. One of the most important of these is the fact that it makes it easier for pedestrians to cross a particular road with ease. This is very important particularly in very wide or very busy highways, where installing zebra crossings might not make sense, or might put the […]

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Magnesium Fasteners: Benefits And Common Uses

Magnesium Fasteners: Benefits And Common Uses

Magnesium is one of the most coveted items for use in various applications, one of which is the design of fasteners. You will find that magnesium hex head cap screws and magnesium socket set screws tend to have qualities that make them ideal for many uses. However, the fact that the metal is usually a […]

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How To Accurately Assess The True Cost Of Fastener Use For Any Project

How To Accurately Assess The True Cost Of Fastener Use For Any Project

When you are carrying out a project that will require the use of fasteners, it’s usually a good idea to find out how much you will spend on them in advance. This is important since it will help you in the financial planning for the project. There are many instances in which an individual simply […]

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Fastener Hardness Versus Strength

Fastener Hardness Versus Strength

When you are shopping for fasteners, it is usually important to have minimum technical knowledge regarding the way they work. This way, it will be easier for you to determine what specifications you should get for the fasteners. In addition to that, this information will make it easier for you to order custom made fasteners […]

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The Qualities You Should Always Look For In A Custom Fastener Manufacturer

The Qualities You Should Always Look For In A Custom Fastener Manufacturer

In many instances when you are interested in investing in custom fasteners, it’s usually very important to make sure that you select the right vendor to supply the products. One of the major reasons for this is that the quality of the manufacturer will influence your value for money. Low quality manufacturers are usually associated […]

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Dealing With Magnetism When Using Fasteners

Dealing With Magnetism When Using Fasteners

When using various types of fasteners, there are many challenges that often need to be dealt with. Most of the time, thinking about them in advance makes it easier for you to determine the best types of fasteners to use in a particular setting. For instance, after having considered all the variables, you may come […]

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