Why Stainless Steel Heavy Hex Bolts Tend To Seize

Why Stainless Steel Heavy Hex Bolts Tend To Seize Some contractors and assemblers complain about stainless steel heavy hex bolts seizing during the tightening process. This happens with other stainless steel bolts as well, although galvanized heavy hex bolts do not seem to have the same problems. Frequent seizing is often a result of galling, […]

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Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone

Why Heavy Hex Bolts Need to Be Tightened To Their Yield Strength

Certain limitations are placed on fasteners to ensure a safe and secure joint. Heavy hex bolts will come with a tested proof stress and yield strength, and two distinct figures represent a threshold that is important to overall fit. Experts will tell design engineers and workers that bolts of any kind need to be tightened […]

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Heavy Hex Bolts, Heavy Hex Screws Larry Melone Heavy Hex Bolts, Heavy Hex Screws Larry Melone

Typical Standards of Heavy Hex Bolts

Heavy hex bolts are treasured for their strength and durability. They are manufactured to certain specifications, making them distinctive from standard hex bolts. Although you may be able to find specific types of heavy hexes, there are certain standards found across the board. Points and Shanks Bolts typically have flat tips, although certain applications require […]

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Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone

The Relationship Between Steel Fabricators and Fasteners

Steel fabrication is a highly specialized skill that is growing in demand over time. With the construction industry continuing to rely on steel for commercial, residential and industrial buildings, fabricators offer a valuable service that it also constantly evolving. And steel fabricators depend on Building Fasteners such as Headcote Screws, Heavy Hex Bolts or Heavy […]

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Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone

Ordering the Building Fasteners You Need Fast

Contractors know that project specifications can change quickly, causing the material list to change with them. When you find yourself short of the required Building Fasteners such as Headcote Screws, Heavy Hex Bolts or Line Fasteners and there is no time to waste, what is the best way to order those fasteners fast? Get Online […]

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Fastener Distributor, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone Fastener Distributor, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone

Disadvantages of Buying Heavy Hex Bolts From a Catalogue

There are situations where buying from a catalogue – whether online or paper – is advantageous. Products or brands that you are familiar with can be purchased from retailers you trust through a catalogue. But most contractors will confirm that there are distinct disadvantages to buying heavy hex bolts from a catalogue without first knowing […]

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Fastener Distributor, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone Fastener Distributor, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone

Fastener FAQs | Using Neoprene Washers For Their True Purpose

What Is A Neoprene Washer? Neoprene washers are a unique combination of steel and rubber that serve a distinct purpose. Neoprene washers are steel washers coated or bonded with neoprene, a specific type of durable rubber used in wet suits, hoses, and in elastomeric roofing membranes. They are most often seen in plumbing, although these specially […]

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Fastener Distributor, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone Fastener Distributor, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone

Benefits of a Local Fastener Distributor

Everyday our world seems to be shrinking. With global media coverage and communications that allow us to reach people anywhere on the planet almost instantly, borders are fading fast. But what does that mean for your business? Does it always make sense to import materials or order them from the supplier with the lowest possible […]

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Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone

Building Fasteners: Tightening a Square Head Bolt Using the Bolt Head or the Nut

It’s a common, and often relevant, question. When you are tightening Building Fasteners, Line Fasteners or Marine Fasteners like square head bolts and Heavy Hex Bolts (or any bolt for that matter) is it better to use the bolt head or tighten using the nut? Although we could get into torsion and torque, there are […]

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Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone

Are Cheap Building Fasteners a Smart Way to Save Money?

In an effort to control costs, purchasing managers and job supervisors are always on the search for reasonably priced materials, equipment and labor. But are cheap building fasteners really a wise way to save money? Can skimping on this element of your project cause more harm than you’re expecting and potentially put your entire building […]

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Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone

Wind Generators – Quick Solution to a Long Term Problem

As pollution levels rise at an alarming level, people are becoming aware of the fact that they can play a role in protecting our environment by using different forms of energy. Traditionally, people have accepted the energy sources that have been supplied by large companies but they are coming to see that they can generate […]

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Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone Building Fasteners, Heavy Hex Bolts Larry Melone

The Nuts and Bolts of Building Your Own Wind Generator

Many families have decided that they when they build their new homes they want it to be more earth friendly.  As people are moving from the sub-urbs into more rural areas to escape the city they are exploring their alternative energy options.  They are finding that there are many ways that they can implement alternative […]

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