Using Thread Forming Screws To Prevent Fastener Loosening

When using fasteners for any application, one of the most important concerns that people have is how to reduce the risk of the fasteners loosening. This is an important issue that has different degrees of impact on the use of the fasteners. For instance, if you are fastening an item such as a piece of […]

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How Galvanic Corrosion Occurs And How You Can Protect Your Fasteners From It

If you run an industry where you have to use a large number of fasteners for any reason, it’s always important to pay attention to how you use them to reduce the chances of complications. Whether you are making products for industrial or retail use, a high incidence of fastener failure is something that can […]

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The Different Ways Of Testing Torque In Fasteners

When you are using any types of fasteners, one of the most important things you can do is ensuring that the amount of torque used to put them in place is just enough. Usually, tightening the fasteners too much can result in exceeding of the tolerances of the fastener. For instance, you may end up […]

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Common Alloys In Fastener Design

When you go shopping for fasteners for any reason, one of the themes you will find is that there are many types that are made of a mixture of two or more metals, known as alloys. The goal of making metal alloys is to ensure that the beneficial features of the two metals are merged, […]

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Why Professional Help Is Important In Helping You Decide What Bridge Fasteners To Buy

Suppose you are thinking of construction a bridge that will be used to convey vehicles and human traffic from one area to another. The most important priority for such a project is usually to make sure that the construction is safe. For this to happen, a number of things have to come together perfectly so […]

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Using Quality Fasteners To Solve Roofing Problems

If you are a homeowner, one of the things you will definitely come to appreciate is the importance of having the right fasteners used for the right job. For instance, using Alloy 20 hex lag bolts for fixing the roof is a good idea, since such fasteners tend to be very effective at remaining reliable […]

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Myths And Misconceptions On Buying Fasteners For Building Homes

Suppose you are building a home. What types of fasteners should you get for projects such as joining two parts of the house together? This is a decision that many people will not spend much time on. However, the truth of the matter is that getting it wrong has numerous consequences, and is something that […]

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Factors That Should Guide Fastener Selection When Constructing An Oil Rig

Every so often, an individual will need to construct a structure in an aquatic environment. A good example of this is the construction of an offshore oil rig that is used to drill for oil from the sea bed. When undertaking such a construction project, simply putting the rig together and hoping for the best […]

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Using Fasteners In Car Design To Improve Fuel Efficiency

Using Fasteners In Car Design To Improve Fuel Efficiency

If you are in the car design industry, one of the things that you will definitely be very keen on is how to make sure that the ideas you come up with will be fuel efficient. This is on account of several factors including the increasing cost of fuel, which is forcing people to buy […]

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Common Pitfalls You Should Avoid When Buying Fasteners For Your Home Construction

Common Pitfalls You Should Avoid When Buying Fasteners For Your Home Construction

When you are constructing your home, one of the things that you are likely to come across is that you will need to use lots of fasteners to keep everything in check. This usually means that people end up having to buy various types of fasteners including the Monel 400 hex head cap screws for […]

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The Link Between Construction Lawsuits And The Types Of Fasteners Used
How You Can Minimize Fastener Cost When Doing Home Construction
Making Sure The Bridge Construction Is Perfect

Making Sure The Bridge Construction Is Perfect

The process of bridge construction should never be taken lightly. The risks associated with ending up with a low quality bridge are often dire and include the loss of life. It therefore makes sense to ensure that all the aspects of bridge construction are done in such a manner as to facilitate high degrees of […]

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What You Should Keep In Mind Before Starting A Car Rebuilding Project

What You Should Keep In Mind Before Starting A Car Rebuilding Project

If you have an old car that you are thinking of putting up for sale, one of the options you can try is rebuilding the car and then selling it. If you are an auto enthusiast, the prospect of putting the car back together can be very exciting. You can do it in your free […]

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How To Get The Most Value Out Of Construction Fasteners

How To Get The Most Value Out Of Construction Fasteners

It is a known fact that when doing building construction, making use of high quality fasteners such as the Alloy 20 hex lag bolts is a good idea. These types of bolts are designed to be very strong, making them suitable for long lasting construction projects. However, simply buying them is not enough for you […]

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The Concepts That Guide The Mounting Of Plane Engines

The Concepts That Guide The Mounting Of Plane Engines

In the world of aviation, nothing is left to chance. Even simple mistakes often lead to catastrophic accidents, and this is why even the smallest details are checked thoroughly. An example of this is the process required in the selection and choice of engine mountings. On the surface, mounting an engine on the wing of […]

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Roof Installation And The Choice Of Fasteners

Roof Installation And The Choice Of Fasteners

Roof installation usually seems like a trivial process, especially when you put in the context of having built the entire house from the ground up. The latter is usually very expensive and time consuming especially for larger houses. By the time the roof is being put in place, most property developers are usually burnt out […]

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How To Choose Concrete Fasteners

How To Choose Concrete Fasteners

During the process of construction, it is usually necessary to use fasteners in concrete. The selection of the wrong type of fastener and not putting them in place correctly usually leads to early failure of the fastener. This not only puts the structure in jeopardy, but also increases the chances of injury and financial loss. […]

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Choosing Fasteners For Bridge Construction
Getting Specific Technical Information For The Construction Of Commercial Buildings

Getting Specific Technical Information For The Construction Of Commercial Buildings

When you need to carry out any construction project, it will usually be important to ensure that the use of any materials for the job is carefully selected. Remember, most of such materials will cost a lot of money. If you don’t select them properly, you may end up spending large sums of money and […]

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